Turkey Red Heirloom Whole Wheat Flour


Turkey Red Heirloom Whole Wheat Flour

from $12.50

Turkey Red is an heirloom variety of hard wheat introduced to the United States in the 1870s by Mennonite immigrants who were fleeing Tsarist persecution in what is now Ukraine. It has 11.6% protein content. Unlike modern day, high-yielding, dwarf varieties, this grain grows very tall, creating lots of straw and biomass for the soil. It is a landrace variety, meaning it contains genetic diversity making it adaptable across bioregions. It is one of the most popular revival wheats used by American bread bakers, treasured for its flavor and digestibility.

We recommend using our products as soon as possible in order to enjoy the benefits of fresh flour, but if storing longer than 2 weeks, we recommend freezing or refrigerating for maximum shelf-life.

NOTE: By definition, heirloom crops are non-GMO. Additionally, GMO’s cannot be used in organic agriculture.

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