We are not currently Certified Organic, but our growing practices align closely with organic growing methods and in many cases exceed organic standards. Our number one priority is to produce a high quality grain through the cultivation of healthy soils. Synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are never used on the soils we grow on. All of our crops are non-GMO. Soil fertility is developed through the use of cover crops, manures, compost, and organic fertilizers. Currently we rotate winter cereals, red clover, buckwheat, millet, sunflowers, soybeans, cowpeas, and corn. We are striving towards reducing the amount of mechanical tillage we now rely upon in order to build soil organic matter, but it is quite difficult without the use of herbicides. As we gain experience and learn from others, we hope to continue developing a holistic system that harbors diversity and accumulates organic matter.