Shop Grains and Flours
At checkout, choose your delivery option:
Ship to your address
Pick it up on Saturday at one of our pickup locations
-Carrboro Farmers Market
-Durham Farmers Market
-Cobblestone Farmers Market
Orders placed by Wednesday night will be ready for pickup or shipping the following Saturday. We can often accommodate last-minute orders, but they are not guaranteed to be ready by the following Saturday.
Farina "Cream of Wheat"
Farina "Cream of Wheat"
The Farina is our version of Cream of Wheat™. Use 2 parts liquid to 1 part grain – milk instead of water leads to a rich, comfort food. It is nice to have this on the shelf for a quick morning option, as it only takes 8 minutes to cook on the stovetop. Our farina is coarser than typical store bought versions, leading to a more wholesome and fiber-rich meal.
We recommend using our products as soon as possible in order to enjoy the benefits of fresh flour, but if storing longer than 2 weeks, we recommend freezing or refrigerating for maximum shelf-life.
NOTE: While this is produced from a modern variety of wheat, it is still non-GMO. GMO’s cannot be used in organic agriculture. It was bred by normal plant breeding standards and is not a hybrid variety.