Farina "Cream of Wheat"


Farina "Cream of Wheat"

from $10.00

The Farina is our version of Cream of Wheat™. Use 2 parts liquid to 1 part grain – milk instead of water leads to a rich, comfort food. It is nice to have this on the shelf for a quick morning option, as it only takes 8 minutes to cook on the stovetop. Our farina is coarser than typical store bought versions, leading to a more wholesome and fiber-rich meal.

We recommend using our products as soon as possible in order to enjoy the benefits of fresh flour, but if storing longer than 2 weeks, we recommend freezing or refrigerating for maximum shelf-life.

NOTE: While this is produced from a modern variety of wheat, it is still non-GMO. GMO’s cannot be used in organic agriculture. It was bred by normal plant breeding standards and is not a hybrid variety.

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