NuEast Red Winter Wheat Berries


NuEast Red Winter Wheat Berries

from $9.00

NuEast Hard Red Winter Wheat is a modern winter wheat bred at NC State in 2009 to bring hard winter wheat production to southeast. It is delicious in its whole form, with a delicate, nutty flavor. The berries themselves can be cooked al dente and used in salads, soups, or as a starch in any dish.

This season, due to lower wheat yields, we have supplemented our inventory with some crops grown by other farmers, whose agricultural philosophies align with our own. This crop of wheat was grown in NC on Certified Organic acreage.

NOTE: While this is a modern variety, it is still non-GMO. GMO’s cannot be used in organic agriculture. It was bred by normal plant breeding standards and is not a hybrid variety.

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