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-Carrboro Farmers Market
-Durham Farmers Market
-Cobblestone Farmers Market
Orders placed by Wednesday night will be ready for pickup or shipping the following Saturday. We can often accommodate last-minute orders, but they are not guaranteed to be ready by the following Saturday.
NuEast Red All Purpose Flour
NuEast Red All Purpose Flour
An All Purpose flour with all the oils still intact. Unlike the vast majority of store-bought white flour this golden flour contains the natural oils from the germ, which are full of flavor, aroma, and vitamins and minerals. Store-bought flours are often “enriched” to replace the lost nutrients with synthetically produced ones. We keep it simple by stone-milling it all into a wholegrain flour and then sifting out 30% of the bran to make a delicious, silky “white” flour. We recommend using our products as soon as possible in order to enjoy the benefits of fresh flour, but if storing longer than 2 weeks, we recommend freezing or refrigerating for maximum shelf-life.
NuEast Red is a modern cultivar of winter wheat with a delicate, nutty flavor. This season’s crop has 11.8% protein, making it a medium strength flour, ideal for all baking applications (even bread, if treated gently, and with reduced fermentation time).
This season, due to lower wheat yields, we have supplemented our inventory with some crops grown by other farmers, whose agricultural philosophies align with our own. This crop of wheat was grown in NC on Certified Organic acreage.
NOTE: While this is a modern variety, it is still non-GMO. GMO’s cannot be used in organic agriculture. It was bred by normal plant breeding standards and is not a hybrid variety.