NuEast Red All Purpose Flour


NuEast Red All Purpose Flour

from $11.00

NuEast Red is a modern cultivar of winter wheat with a delicate, nutty flavor. This season’s crop has provided us with an All Purpose flour (protein: 9.4%). Unlike the vast majority of store-bought white flour this golden flour contains the natural oils from the germ, which are full of flavor, aroma, and vitamins and minerals. Store-bought flours are often “enriched” to replace the lost nutrients with synthetically produced ones. We keep it simple by stone-milling it all into a wholegrain flour and then sifting out 30% of the bran to make a delicious, silky “white” flour.

We recommend using our products as soon as possible in order to enjoy the benefits of fresh flour, but if storing longer than 2 weeks, we recommend freezing or refrigerating for maximum shelf-life.

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